OSFirstTimer Advanced

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Diana, trying to find a virus in episode 2 of this series. (Notice the time-limit displayed at the upper-right corner.)

OSFirstTimer Advanced is a series, where the five tasks of the original series are replaced with a much different, single task, which Diana tries to complete with a different program on a different operating system from a different time period each episode. The task also differs each episode, unlike in the original series, where the tasks keep the same.

Sometimes, Philip gives her 5 lifelines called "How Do I's", sometimes he gives her a time-limit instead. If she went out of either the time-limit or the lifelines, her task would be declared as failed.

The task for Episode #10 of OSFirstTimer Advanced was requested by MightyEagle73 and the task for Episode #12 task was requested by Jakey Pearce.
