OSFirstTimer Wiki

From OSFirstTimer Wiki
Revision as of 13:56, 22 January 2017 by (talk) (Updated some of the info-data about subs etc. ~Emeraldy)
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Welcome to the OSFirstTimer Wiki

Welcome to the OSFirstTimer Wiki! This wiki mainly talks about OSFirstTimer. Philip and Diana Adams test operating systems to show viewers their thoughts.

Some Info on OSFirstTimer

OSFirstTimer is a YouTube channel started by Philip Adams. This channel has his family (as of May 17, 2014) test several operating systems. It used to have its own forum, but was later retconned as OSTalk. Beforehand, Philip Adams also had a channel called Terrified Mum, where Philip would let his mum play terrifying games and go through tough, terrifying problems. Recently, they had a new OSFirstTimer Channel Trailer made by Jaroslav Hampejs.

As of January 22th, 2017 OSFirstTimer has 60.060, subscribers, and over 107 videos.

Latest activity


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Photos and videos are a great way to add visuals to your wiki. Find videos about your topic by exploring Wikia's Video Library.

OSFIRSTTIMER avatar as of 30.05.2016

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