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{{Profile_Infobox|title1 = Benjamin Adams|image1 = Philip_adams.png|born = 1971-09-20|age = 51|nationality = Australian (formerly)
Palestinian (since February 2023)|channel_role = OS tester (de facto)
School Shooter (also de facto)|caption1=hbnrffjahbfrgjhwefrjfvdsagheqhd"for the sake of allah"|died=7/26/07/2023 (murdered)|revived=7/29/2023 (via arabic sorcery)}}'''Abu Abdullah Al-Australi''', or simply known as Ben Talkarooni, dubbed by conspiracy theorists as "halal ben" (born September 20, 1971) is the father of Boobs and Nicki Minaj and the husband of [[Diana Adams|Diana Roblox]]. His first minor appearance is in the video ''[ Mum Tries Out Windows Chicago Build 73g (1993)]'', where he is shown in video footage from early 2009, unboxing a low-range MacBook together with Philip. Later, he appeared in the introduction scene of the OSFirstTimer episode ''[ Mum Tries Out MikeOS 4.4 (2013)]'', where he was playing the role of ''PC''. He made his first major appearance in the episode ''[ Dad Tries Out Windows 98 SE (1999) With Mum Watching].'' He married Diana on October 3, 1992. Ben Adams also loves to eat potatoes, according to [[Diana Adams]].
It is implied by Philip that Ben is as computer illiterate as Diana was when she first appeared on the OSFirstTimer YouTube channel. This is because he originally used Mac (on the previously mentioned MacBook) and had no experience with other operating systems (such as Microsoft Windows and/or Linux distributions). Therefore, tasks were difficult. And still are somewhat hard for him to complete. Alongside his computer illiteracy, he is also known for being confused and silly and for his narrow-mindedness most of the time, which Diana and Phil often joked about in the past. Diana also calls him a ''drama queen'', due to him tending to act overly surprised or shocked about things/actions that are not major. Running gags of his on OSFirstTimer episodes are continuously misclicking or saying that he has finished and is about to go.
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On the 4th of July 2023, Ben Adams flew to USA to give people his "fireworks", which turned out to be his "secret" nuclear bombs. It ended up blowing up 1/3 of the country, and millions of people died.
upon his death, his body was transported back home to his family in tasmania until arabic sorcerors revived him using underworld magic. even though hes alive, diana has tried to claim his bounty, saying "he technically died".
