Template:Infobox location

Vital statistics
Type Unknown
Level Unknown
Location Unknown
Inhabitants Unknown

Template documentation follows
Note: the template above may sometimes be partially or fully invisible.
Visit Template:Infobox_location/doc to edit this documentation. (How does this work?)

Description edit

To use this template, copy the following code and fill in the appropriate fields.

Syntax edit

{{infobox location
 | title         = 
 | image         = [e.g. "Example.jpg"]
 | imagewidth    = [e.g. "150"] [default: 210 pixels]
 | imagecaption  = 
 | map           = [e.g. "Example.jpg"]
 | mapwidth      = [e.g. "150"] [default: 210 pixels]
 | mapcaption    = 
 | type          = 
 | level         = 
 | location      = 
 | inhabitants   = 

Samples edit

{{infobox location
 | title         = Flora Island
 | image         = Example.jpg
 | imagecaption  = The island
 | map           = Example.jpg
 | mapcaption    = Zone map
 | type          = Contested
 | level         = 1-5
 | location      = Earth
 | inhabitants   = Stompy Humans, Drinky Bees

Results in...

Flora Island
The island
The island
Zone map
Zone map
Vital statistics
Type Contested
Level 1-5
Location Earth
Inhabitants Stompy Humans, Drinky Bees